How to start your journey in the share market?

The first thing to do is to learn what is a share ? and how does it work?. L earning what is a share is the easy part but figuring out how it works is the tough part where many do not understand that it is a business not betting. You need to understand that every business has its good days and bad days likewise you need to figure out how to gain more during good days and how to lose less during bad days this is the key principle you need to follow to be successful. The major requirements to start trading in share market are Bank account(to transfer money from to share market) Kyc documents (to open Demat cum trading account) Demat account(to hold your shares) Trading account(to buy and sell) Next is what type of style you want to follow in share market. There are mainly 3 types Investing Day Trading Speculating These 3 styles follow different risk appetites depending on your wrist appetite you can choose any of the 3...